Carolina Living Real Estate
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what would my home sell for?

Sellers Information

Our job as a Realtor is not to “sell” homes. We do Not Sell you anything.

. As a seller, it's our job to understand your needs and motivations. Numerous factors can influence these decisions and we provide as much information as is needed to make an informed decision. It's our job to understand the market trends, the laws as well as potential pitfalls that would hinder our sellers getting top dollar for their home. The main three factors that as sellers we can control are:

• The condition of the property or the home

• The selling price of the property.

• The strategy to market the property.

• Never pay 6% to list again!

With the help of professional photographers and our in-house marketing team, we ensure that your property's first impression is able to influence potential buyers and envision them living in the home. By understanding the market, we make sure the homes are presented professionally to buyers.

Our motto is to get your property sold at the best market price, and for that to happen, we will provide you the best marketing team that will ensure our motto. Call us at +336-396-1965 for further consultation.